

    There are 8 vowels in Vepsian: a, o, u, i, ü, e, ö and ä;

Possible diphthongs

U - diphthongs:  

au (kauh, vauged, launda); 
ou (koume, poud); 
äu (täuz', näukta); 
öu (pöud, röun, löuta);

I - diphthongs:  

ai (air, sai, päivitai); 
ei (vei, hein, leikata); 
oi (oiged, toi, tatoi); 
ui (uinotada, huiged, sanui); 
äi (äi, läip, eläi); 
öi (söi, möi); 
üi (püil, lühüid);
ii (tegii, lugii);

    Words can not be hyphenated so that a hyphen is put between two vowels of a diphthong. (IMPOSSIBLE: hu-iged, lühü-id etc.)


Consonants in Vepsian can be soft (palatalized), or hard (unpalatalized), voiceless or voiced.

Here is the complete list of possible consonants:

hard:  p, b, t, d, k, g, f, v, s, š, z, ž, c, h, m, n, l, r;

soft: p', t', d', g', s', z', č, j, h', m', n', l', r'.

Voiced consonants are not deafened at the ends of words.


The following geminates can be found in Vepsian:

tt (t't') - kastta, katta, lat't'a;

pp - rippuda, hüppib;

nn - nukkuda, kukkub;

šš - kuššed;

čč - erazvuiččed, ühtejiččed, miččed;

mm - poimmaha;

nn - männuded, sinnä, linneb;

ll (l'l') - vill, halloita, velled, kal'l', mal'l';

Sometimes (but very rarely) only the geminate determines the grammatical form: otta - ota, katta - kata, ostta - osta;

sometimes (but very rarely) only the geminate determines the meaning of a word: vill - wool, vil'l' - grain.

If the word containing a geminate is hyphenated, then the hyphen is placed INSIDE a geminate: vel-led, tän-na.


First syllables are always emphasized in Vepsian (as in Finnish or Estonian).

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